8 september 2011 - BeNeVit SymposiumDonderdag 8 september vindt het BeNeVit Symposium plaats in Hasselt.
agenda - sprekers - locatie - inschrijven “We find that the projected warming over this period results in the loss of suitable winegrape area throughout much of California, including most counties in the high-value North Coast and Central Coast regions.” Climate adaptation wedges: a case study of premium wine in the western United States (Stanford University, Purdue University, Utah State University, Southern Oregon University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA) |
“Over de afgelopen 30 jaar is bij de Riesling in de Elzas het potentieel alcoholgehalte
met 2,5% (vol.%) gestegen”. Eric DUCHÊNE, Christophe SCHNEIDER, INRA-Université Louis Pasteur “Santé de la Vigne et Qualité du Vin”,France (7 October 2004) |